Is rotomolding the cheapest plastic molding process?
Rotational molding, also known as rotomolding, is a plastic molding process that produces hollow parts. The main characteristics of this…
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Beyond industrial sourcing
Industrial sourcing can be defined as the search for a supplier to help meet a company’s objectives in terms of…
Springs applications
Spring are pieces made of wire, with many applications. Manufactured with the purpose of resisting forces applied by the energy…
没有碳足迹的汽车现在已成为现实. Polestar,沃尔沃与其中国合作伙伴吉利共同组建的公司;已做好一切准备,以确保不仅其汽车,甚至其汽车的制造过程都 100% 无碳排放。 这家电动汽车子公司最近宣布了 Polestar 0 项目,该计划旨在消除生产过程和供应链中的所有碳排放。公司设定的最后期限是 2030 年。在那一年,公司官员希望汽车在离开工厂时完全没有碳足迹。 另 一 方 面,Polestar 公 司 已 确 认 将…
Guía para comprar moldes industriales
El proceso de compra de moldes de inyección o un molde de soplado es una tarea larga y compleja. Por…