Gestión de Compras has a wide catalog of articles destined to the control of insects: insecticides, aerosols, products for termites, etc.
An insect pest can cause serious impacts on agricultural production and access to the market. It can also cause damage to the natural environment and our lifestyle.
Damage crops and food production, parasitize cattle and are a nuisance and a danger to the health of all of us.
Can problems can they cause?
In addition to the problems in agricultural production and its transmission of diseases mentioned above, another of the big problems that they can cause is their economic impact.
This economic impact is measured from the products they destroy and the cost of damage they inflict, to all the money and resources spent on their prevention and control of these types of pests.
A correct implementation of measures to carry out an effective control will allow us to anticipate and reduce all those problems that may cause in the future.
Avalaible products
Insecticide aerosols
Auto aerosol dispenser
Fly monster
Insect glue trap
Other traps
Products for termites
Fly killers
Regulations and certificates
We have the means to ensure that our products comply with the general regulation and the most specific certification in the manufacturing:
- ISO 9001
- ISO 14001
- TS 16949
- OHSAS 18001