

Contact Form


  • Our firm is dedicated to the mass production of industrial products.
  • To be able to send any offer, we need at least a product plan, material specifications and an estimate of reference quantities.
  • We do not work on retail parts/projects.

    Please note that the personal data you provide in this contact form will be treated by SOLUCIONES GLOBALES Y GESTIÓN DE COMPRAS, S.L as responsible for this website. Additional information: You can consult the additional and detailed information on Data Protection in the privacy policy.

    Our Offices

    Gestión de Compras – España
    Gestión de Compras – Jiangmen
    Gestión de Compras – Huangyan
    • Room 504, Building 2, Jiangjing Gongyu
    • 318020, Huangyan, Zhejiang (China)