Spring are pieces made of wire, with many applications. Manufactured with the purpose of resisting forces applied by the energy of movement. These pieces can be of various sizes, from millimeters to long sizes. Furthermore, they are mainly classified into three types of springs, depending on the desired purpose: compression, torsion or traction springs.
In Gestión de Compras we are specialists in the manufacture of these parts, as we have developed many projects with our customers during 20 years of experience. We supply springs in large quantities based on customer needs. We have a high production capacity of springs in a wide range of thicknesses, diameters, surface finishes or treatments (electropolished, shot-blasted, galvanized, nickel-plated, etc.). Some of the materials we work with are refined steels (DIN 17222 or DIN 17223), stainless steel (DIN 17224), heat resistant steels (DIN 17240), copper alloys (CuSn 8 or CuBe 2), among many others.
The usability of these parts is generally known, but our company wants to expand the knowledge of the great versatility of the springs.
Helical springs are designed to resist torsional or rotational forces in two directions. They store and release angular energy. They are usually manufactured around an axis, but must be supported at three or more points to ensure their operation.
In torsion springs, the direction of the coils can be right-hand, left-hand or double torsion. In these springs, it is important to take into account the spring pin.
Depending on their angle, they are classified as follows:
Depending on their termination, they are classified as follows:
Some of the utilities of torsion springs are: hinges, traps, clamps, shutters, doorknobs, etc. From Gestión de Compras, we can provide a quotation without any obligation for your torsion springs.
They are a mechanical device in the shape of a helix, made of wire. These springs are designed to resist compressive forces due to the energy of motion. They are the most common springs since their applications are very wide. The most commonly used type of compression spring is the straight cylindrical, with round, square or rectangular wire. And these, in turn, with conical, convex, concave, cylindrical, etc. shape.
Their ends can be closed and square, closed and tapered, closed and open, and double ends. In addition, compression springs may or may not have hooks at one or both ends.
Some of these springs applications are: accessories for hoses, electrical switches, valves, suspensions, pens, etc. From Gestión de Compras, we can provide a quotation without any obligation for your compression springs.
Tension springs are springs with high stiffness. They are typically manufactured from carbon steel, spring steel, stainless steel and brass. These springs absorb and store energy, as well as create resistance to a tensile force.
Normally, its ends are attached to other components, so in this case there are unlimited end options for attaching the spring. Unlike a compression spring, which has zero load at zero deflection, a tension spring can have a pre-load at zero deflection. Some of the variations of tension springs include threaded inserts, extended torsion hooks, cross center hooks, expanded eyelets, reduced eyelets; among others.
Some applications of tension springs are: trampolines, automotive interiors and exteriors, carburetors, toys, side devices, agricultural machinery, door assemblies, pliers, industrial robots. From Gestión de Compras, we can provide a quotation without any obligation for your traction springs.